Thursday, November 20, 2014

Training can lead to synesthetic experiences: Does learning the 'color of' specific letters boost IQ? - Gagandeep "Sunny" Mudhar

            Synesthesia is by definition the production of a sense impression relating to one sense or part of the body by stimulation of another sense or part of the body. In other words, this is a condition where an individual associates a taste for a word or "sees" letters as specific colors.  What fascinates me is the fact that people born with this "gift" have not only a higher intelligence quotient (iq) than most individuals, but also their cognitive skills far surpass those of the average human. In fact, a recent survey was conducted by the University of Sussex to lucubrate whether non-synesthetes could, with practice, faintly taste colors or associate a word for a color, and the results were indeed positive. The individuals not only acquired the basic fundamentals of synesthesia, but also on average had an increase of 10 points on their intelligence quotient score! Personally speaking, if I ever had the opportunity to practice this technique I would because of the multitude of benefits it provides albeit, never being able to reach the level at which the already borne with synesthesia patients have. 
           To learn more about synesthesia click the link below

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  1. Wait, you're telling me that when people say Red Bull lets you taste the color nine they were not joking? I'm kidding of coarse, but in all seriousness, this would be pretty cool to have. A kid in my world history class claims to have this ability and says it hinders his ability to feel any emotions towards colors. I'll have to show him this article and hopefully learn more about it too.

  2. Wow! Synesthesia seems pretty cool! Those with this gift can associate words with taste, see letters in different colors, have a higher IQ, and better cognitive skills! I wonder if there are any cons to this talent.

  3. It's amazing how some people are born with this incredible gift. I never knew that people with this talent have a higher intelligence quotient and better cognitive skills than the average human. This article has made me very interested in Synesthesia. It's a really amazing gift to have and I would love to learn more about it.

  4. This is a really cool thing that some people are born with but I can see an obvious problem with that. As I have learned in earlier years this affect also causes people to have certain horrible adverse affects to this. Say someone was watching a horror movie and a person got stabbed, in effect the person with synesthesia would also feel the knife stab and would not die but continue to feel the pain. Those this thing has many benefits the problems also number high in ranges.

  5. This is really quite interesting. It really shows how unique and intelligent the people with this condition really are. However, I do have a few questions. Do people with this condition have heightened senses? And how can you detect a certain color solely by taste?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. This article is very intriguing. I was familiar with synesthesia before, but I thought it was a medical condition that you had no control over. It is mind boggling to know that you can acquire the abilities of a person who was born with synesthesia.

  8. This article intrigued me because I have weird sensations sometimes when I smell something. Sometimes the smell brings about something I have eaten in the past. Then I can taste that thing I ate a long time ago in my mouth! It's weird but I feel that these connections our minds can do is truly amazing and I hope there is future research to full exploit this wonderful sense.

  9. Sensations are always weird for me. Any smell of food or of any person (which may sound weird) reminds me of some past incident that I may have faced causing me to so vividly remember that smell. And if at any instance I am unable to remember then I start struggling mentally and can't rest in peace if I am unable to remember
