Thursday, November 20, 2014

Googol and Googolplex - Siva Kuppa

*Note: Googol is not spelled google. It is just a common mistake.

When you are thinking of a big number, you might think of a million, or a billion, or even a trillion. However a really big number is googol, which is 10 to the power of 100. According to the video, googol quite bigger than you thought. An astonishing fact to put this into perspective, is that all the particles in our observable universe, which is 10 to the power of 80, is still less than googol. Imagine how big the universe is and how small the atoms and particles are. This for me is mind blowing. So now you might think that googol is big, however it is nothing compared to googolplex, which is 10 to the power of googol. Suppose you write a 1 and then use a particle to write down a 0. You would still not have enough particles to write down a googolplex. It is way too big.

I thought this article was very interesting. It made realize how big these numbers are and how small our universe actually is. Most people, including me, are unable to imagine the size of our universe, yet compared to googol the universe does not even measure up to the immensity of it. I found that this video had some really interesting facts and made me think about our world. I found this to be interesting because the actual facts and data were so large and shocking. I now have a whole new understanding on googol and googolplex. Although, it is not really useful to know how big googolplex is, I still enjoyed it.


  1. Wow! This is a really nice article, and changes my perspective on things. It makes us wonder how big the universe actually is, especially considering there are more than one googolplex in our world. I think this could lead to a major breakpoint of is there more out there, and this is because we have the numbers to expand over our knowledge of the universe, but there could be more out there.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This is amazing!!!! I cannot believe that a number can be so huge. Ir baffles me that a quantity can be so large. Gogol is a big number but Gogol plus! That must be huge. Do you know why the company Google spells the word differently

  4. You mentioned that the number of particles in our observable universe does not even exceed googol, but how about the entire universe. Isn't it infinite? Googol and googol plex seem like number that the human mind can't even comprehend, I agree with you on that this is very interesting.

  5. Googol itself seems to be a very large number, and Googolplex seems to be even greater. I think that it is really fascinating how not even the entire particles in the universe can add up to Googolplex, this gives me a new perspective on the volume of our universe.

  6. Wow! This article really broadened my horizons. "Google" may claim to have a googol web pages indexed, but not even the Internet comes close to the size of a googol. Has there been any name for an even bigger number?

  7. The vastness of the universe is a fascinating thing that is truly difficult to envision. This article really helps to put it into perspective, however. Although the article is simple, it is informative and interesting to me, especially since the typical name I use on the internet (aside from my real name) is Gegoplex- a sort of play on Googolplex.
